报告题目:Several Stochastic First-order Splitting Methods
报告摘要:In this talk, several stochastic versions on the alternating direction method of multipliers and the Peaceman-Rachford splitting method are presented for a class of structured convex optimization problems whose objective function is the sum of a possibly nonsmooth convex function and an average function of many smooth convex functions. We show the main convergence results of these methods and their performance on testing the popular empirical risk minimization problem in supervised learning and the 3D CT reconstruction problem in medical imaging, respectively. Finally, several interesting questions are shared and discussed.
主讲人简介:白建超,博士,西北工业大学数学与统计学院副教授。研究兴趣包括数值代数与优化、机器学习和统计学习等领域的大规模优化方法、理论与应用,在Automatica、Computational Optimization and Applications、CSIAM Transactions on Applied Mathematics、IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging、Journal of Scientific Computing、Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications、Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications等期刊上发表论文30余篇。曾主持完成1项国家级项目和多项省部级项目,现担任CSIAM大数据与人工智能专委会委员、陕西省科协科技人才奖励评审专家、陕西省/广东省/北京市/武汉市自然科学基金评审专家等。