
刘荣 正高级 (rongliu@guet.edu.cn)    









共发表的SCI论文30余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在中科院SCI二区的工程类及流体力学类国际权威期刊发表20余篇(Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2, Physics of Fluids 5, Physical Review E 6Journal of non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 2International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 6)。






1.2000/9–2006/6, 中国科学院力学研究所, 流体力学,博士
2.1995/9–2000/7, 清华大学,热能工程系, 学士






5.2011/7-2012/7,布鲁塞尔自由大学(Université libre de Bruxelles) 微重力研究中心,博士后,合作导师:O. A. Kabov


分别在2012年第7届国际两相流会议(7th international symposium on two phase systems for ground and space applications, Beijing, China, September 17-21, 2012 ),2014年的中日韩亚洲微重力会议(AMS, 2014 10 th Asian Microgravity SymposiumOct 2831 Seoul Korea)担任分会主席,2018亚洲微重力会议分会主席。中国空间科学学会微重力科学与应用研究委员会委员。著名国际期刊Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Int. J heat mass trans. 审稿人。





1. Rong Liu, Zijing Ding and Xue Chen,The effect of thermocapillarity on the dynamics of an exterior coating film flow down a fibre subject to an axial temperature gradient,International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, 718-727, Vol(123),2018 (中科院SCI大分区 2区)

2. Rong Liu, Xue Chen, and Zijing Ding, Absolute and convective instabilities of a film flow down a vertical   fiber subjected to a radial electric field, Physical Review E,013109,Vol(97) 2018 (中科院SCI分区 数学物理类 2区)

3. R. Liu*, Z. Ding, K.X. Hu, Stabilities in plane Poiseuille flow of Herschel–Bulkley fluid, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 132-144, Vol(251), 2018 (中科院SCI分区 力学类 2区)

4. R. Liu, Z. Ding, Stability of viscous film flow coating the interior of a vertical tube with a porous wall, Physical Review E, 053101(1-10),Vol(95),2017  (中科院SCI分区 数学物理类 2区)

5. R. Liu, Z. Ding, Z. Zhu, Thermocapillary effect on the absolute and convective instabilities of  film flows down a fibre, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 918-925, Vol(112), 2017  (中科院SCI大分区  2区)

6.   R. Liu, Q.S Liu., Marangoni effect on the dynamics of viscous beads on vertical fibre , Phys. Rev. E E 90, 033005(1-11) , (2014) (中科院SCI分区 数学物理类 2区)

7.   R. Liu,  Q.S. Liu, Non-modal stability in Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Bingham fluid,Physics of Fluids, vol. 26 (1), 014102 (2014) (中科院SCI分区 力学类 2区)

8.    R. Liu, O. A. Kabov,  Effect of mutual location and the shape of heaters on the stability of thin films flowing over locally heated surfaces , Int. J. Heat mass Trans. vol. 65, 23 (2013) (中科院SCI大分区  2区)

9.    R. Liu, Q. S. Liu, Non-modal stability in sliding Couette flow , J. Fluid Mech. 710: 505-544 (2012) (Sci,2区)(中科院SCI大分区  2区)

10.  R. Liu, O. A. Kabov, Instabilities in a horizontal liquid layer in cocurrent gas flow with an evaporating interface , Phys. Rev. E 85, 066305(1-10) (2012) (中科院SCI分区 数学物理类  2区)

11.  R. Liu,  Q. S. Liu, Nonmodal stability in Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a shear thinning fluid , Phys. Rev. E 85, 066318(1-16) (2012) (中科院SCI分区 数学物理类 2区)

12.   R. Liu, Q. S. Liu, Non-modal instability in plane Couette flow of a power-law fluid, J. Fluid Mech. 676: 145–171 (2011) (中科院SCI大分区  2区)

13. R. Liu, Q. S. Liu, Non-modal instabilities of two-dimensional disturbances in plane Couette flow of a power-law fluid, J. NON-NEWTON. FLUID MECH.,  Vol 165, 1228 (2010)   (中科院SCI分区 力学类 2区)

14.   R.  Liu, Q. S. Liu, Instabilities and transient behaviors of a liquid film flowing down a porous inclined plane.,  Phys. Fluids, Vol 22(7), 074101 (2010) (中科院SCI分区 力学类 2区)

15.   R.  Liu, Q. S. Liu, Instabilities of a liquid film flowing down an inclined porous  plane.,  Phys. Rev. E, Vol .  80,  036316, ( 2009) (中科院SCI分区 数学物理类 2区)

16. R.  Liu, Q. S. Liu,The Convective Instabilities in a Liquid-Vapor System with a Non-equilibrium Evaporation Interface., Microgravity Sci. Technol.,  Vol. 21 ,S233-S240, (2009) (SCI)

17. R. Liu, Q. S. Liu and S. C. Zhao, Instability of plane Poiseuille flow in a fluid-porous  system.,  Phys. Fluids,  Vol. 20, 104105, (2008) (中科院SCI分区 力学类 2区)

18   R.  Liu, Q. S. Liu and S. C. Zhao, Influence of Rayleigh effect combined with Marangoni effect on the onset of convection in a liquid layer overlying a porous layer., Int. J.  Heat Mass Transfer, 51(25-26) : 6328-6331, (2008)(中科院SCI大分区  2区)

19  R. Liu,Q. S. Liu ,Linear stability analysis of convection in two-layer system with an evaporating vapor-liquid interface,Acta Mech. Sin.,2006,22(2):109~119 (SCI)

20 R. Liu,Q. S. Liu ,Vapour recoil effect on a vapour-liquid system with a deformable interface,Chin. Phys. Lett.,2006,23(4):879~882 (SCI) 

21 R. Liu,Q. S. Liu ,W. R. Hu,Marangoni-Benard instability with the exchange of evaporation at liquid-vapour interface,Chin. Phys. Lett.,2005,22(2):402~404 (SCI)


22 Z. Ding, R. Liu*, Comment on “Stability analysis of the rimming flow inside a uniformly heated rotating horizontal cylinder”, Physics of Fluids,  089101(1-2),Vol(29),2017 (通讯作者) (中科院SCI分区 力学类 2区)

23  Q. S.   Liu, R. Liu *, Influence of high-frequency vibration on the Rayleigh-Marangoni instability in a two-layer system, Phys. Fluids, 23(1), 034105 (1-12) (2011) (通讯作者) (中科院SCI分区 力学类 2区)

24 Z. Ding, R. Liu and Z. Liu, Interfacial instabilities in two immiscible flows in an annular duct: Shear-thinning fluids surrounded with Newtonian fluids, Phys.  Fluids, Vol(29),2017 SCI,中科院二区(力学)

25.Y.  Chao, Z. Ding and R. Liu, Dynamics of thin liquid films flowing down the uniformly heated/cooled cylinder with wall slippage, Chem. Eng. Sci. Vol(175) 2018. SCI, 中科院大分区二区(化工)

26.Z. Ding and R. Liu, Absolute instability induced by Marangoni effect in thin liquid film flows on vertical cylindrical surfaces. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2018 中科院大分区二区(化工)(已接收,出版中)

27.K. Hu, R. Liu, M. He and Q. Chen, Elastic instability in the thermocapillary convection at low Reynolds numbers, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol(250) 2017. SCI,中科院二区(力学)

28.K. Hu, M. He, Q. Chen, and R. Liu, Linear stability of thermocapillary liquid layers of a shear-thinning fluid, Phys. Fluids, Vol(29),2017 SCI,中科院二区(力学)

29.Y. Luo, J. Zhou, X. Yang and R. Liu, Effect of surface excess energy transport on the rupture of an evaporating film, Microgravity Sci. Tec. 2018. SCI

30.X. Chen, Zi Ding and R. Liu, Spreading of Annular Droplets on a Horizontal Fiber, Microgravity Sci. Tec. 2018. SCI (已接收,出版中)  SCI

31. Z. Ding,J. Xie,T. N. Wong, R. Liu,Dynamics of liquid films on vertical fibres in a radial electric field,J. Fluid Mech.,2014,752:66~89 中科院大分区二区

32 Z. Ding,T. N. Wong ,R. Liu ,Q. S. Liu,Viscous liquid films on a porous vertical cylinder: Dynamics and stability,Phys. Fluids,2013,25(6):1~18 中科院二区(力学)

33 S. C. Zhao,Q. S. Liu ,R. Liu ,H. Nguyen-Thi,B. Billia,Thermal effects on Rayleigh-Marangoni-Benard instability in a system of superposed fluid and porous layers,Int. J. Heat Mass Tran.,2010,53(15-16):2951~2954 中科院大分区二区

34.  Z. G. Li,Q. S. Liu ,R. Liu ,W. Hu,X. Y. Deng,Influence of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability on Liquid Propellant Reorientation in a Low-Gravity Environment,Chin. Phys. Lett.,2009,26(11):114701 SCI

35. S. C. Zhao,R. Liu,Q. S. Liu ,Thermocapillary convection in an inhomogeneous porous layer,Chin. Phys. Lett.,2008,25(2):620~623  SCI

36 Y. Ji,Q. S. Liu ,R. Liu ,Coupling of evaporation and thermocapillary convection in a liquid layer with mass and heat exchanging interface,Chin. Phys. Lett.,2008,25(2):608~611 SCI




(1)国家自然科学基金地区基金项目, 2018/01-2021/12,项目负责人。


(2)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 2012/01-2014/12,已结题,项目负责人。







电子邮件: rongliu@guet.edu.cn

